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25 June, 2007
9:17 PM

It's been too long
Don't think I've seen you smile at me for quite a while
And we're too busy doing things
We haven't noticed what's missing
Where's the fun we used to have?
My childish ways and your sarcasm
Silly jokes and fairy tales
Where did we leave them?
Lost in the backyard
Your lasso my tiara
My wand, your plastic bazooka
Why can't we be how we were
In the backyard

Your cowboy hat, my tutu
You hide and seek, I catch you
Why can't we be how we were in the backyard
Simple days of hand in hand
And drawing our names in the sand
Somehow life just complicates
Our buried treasure it just waits
Lost in the backyard
You can still meet me in the garden
You and I and hide behind the rosebed
You and I
You and I
Lost in the backyard again

backyard- natasha bedingfield
I had a shock when i read the lyrics. ha



11 June, 2007
6:42 PM

I got a brand new laptop YEAH!:D I'm gonna decorate it soon, cant wait:)

CONFIDENT COMMUNICATOR wasnt as fun as empower u, but it was just as interesting, cos i get to meet new people and most importantly, MEET MY CLASSMATES AGAIN!!!! S4L-OO75(T), i actually memorised my class number! GOD I'VE MISSED THEM SO MUCH! cant believe 3 months flew by JUST LIKE THAT. It was awesome to see them all again. Just that ryan and grace didnt come. :( It was around 80-100 people, half of that of empower u. but i felt that empower u was more powerful, and i'm sure many people would think so too. this.. they dont really force us to bond with your group.

BUT you could see that our class is the most bonded one in there. EVERY break for lunch, tea, dinner, we're ALWAYS together. As a class. :D man, i love us! When i looked around, the rest of the room is splitted into small groups, pairs, or threesomes. I was so proud os us! Yeah, it was lovely. and on the last day, for 3quarters of the day our whole class swapped name tags. haha, and i got alex's. and guess what? he picked mine too! funny, cos i've always liked the girl's name alex.

The whole 2and a half day course was filled with activities, and games, all with a purpose. I guess i'm kinda glad for this, i got to know some of my classmates i seldom spoke to before. now i got to know rahavan, satice(i thought it was satish), and yongkian better. we were put in the same group as weishi and like 14, 15 others? rahavan is SUCH a joker. i've always knew he was a funny guy, but not THIS humorous. the "that's right, expert" game was HILARIOUS!! couldnt stop laughing. and i met another claudia in my group, she's a dancer too! haha, and now i know how little derek knows about history, "A few years ago, empress dowager cixi screwed up and made the whole of China broke, cos she uhh screwed up and China up." LOL the whole room burst out laughing. and rahavan and his "my mum LOVES bowling like crazy", weishi(she was the 'host' for the That's right expert:Parent's special), "oh, interesting, how often does she usually bowl?" rahavan, "About.. once.. in her life?" HAHHAA. and alex and his pole dance! That cracked everyone up! Watched the truman show in three parts, about how this guy's life is controlled all the time. Found it rather confusing.

On saturday night i was up till three, and when i came home on sunday i brushed my teeth and slept. almost overslept this morning, thank god mummy woke me up.

Man, i havent been studying at ALL damn this is bad. i should start. REALLY start and STOP procrstinating.
okay, tomorrow:)

31 May, 2007
12:59 PM

Got my darling RED obsessionN76! :D

when i saw it on display i thought it looked so plastic-ly cheap, but there wasnt many options to choose from. AND i wanted another nokia. I'm BEYOND grateful for the BIGGG keypads, had so much trouble typing with my previous n72. i miss my pink phone though:( It matched my camera, they were both the same shade of pink.

goodness my eyes are so tired! swimming with horrendous HOO:)) SATISFIED. I really want to keep this up. walked over to sing post for seaweed shaker fries, mmmm! They were worth the wait. OHOHOH! BEL SAID I LOOKED LIKE A MERMAID WHEN I SWIM! Hahaha, i was so delighted to hear that!:D and we planned to watch all the disney princesses movie one day, HAHA! cos we didnt really understand them last time.

Met bel to swim on tuesday too, with joce. i felt dead to the world, didnt have any connection to anyone, or the time. Turned up 25minutes late. Joce joined us 40minutes later, swam for a bit, and we waited for bel to shower, and swam somemore. went up to her house to bathe and we bused to my place. we did math and read and took photos and talked. Walked her to the bus-stop at 8, i think. then i had dinner and tv-ed and slept.

I was suffering from insomnia last night, it was frustrating! The first few hours were okay, lied in bed thinking, then it got irritating when i tried to sleep but couldn't. So i got out of bed and looked through my photo album. and last month's victoria's secret catalogue. then i went back to bed, still couldnt sleep. i wanted to get out and have a movie marathon by myself but i remembered the dvd player was transferred to my parents' room, theirs spoilt, i think. I guess somehow, i drifted to sleep cos i wasnt awake when my alarm rang this morning.

Cant believe there's school tomorrow, i already got used to staying home. Meeting hoo in the morning for macs breakfast. That's something to look forward to:)

23 May, 2007
5:43 PM

WHOO blogger works now! It's been screwy the past few times on my comp.

i had a absurdly early dinner just now, havent been lunching these days cos of chinese intensive. had macs delivery, i asked for nuggets and they freaking gave me fillet o fish. which i DO NOT EAT, EW! but it was too late when i realised it, so i had no other choice. That was my first fillet o fish in my life. with the exception of syf day, when mrsthong ordered it, but i only had a few pinches of the burger.

I'm waiting my for chinese tuition to start, my brother's inside now. and i hear my tutor screaming at him. haha. it's so much more fun than chinese intensive. UGHHHHHHHHHH, whenever i think of chinese intensive i feel suffocated. wasting 1h15mins of my life everyday for the past couple of days. OOOOH i cant wait for friday 3.30!:D but i'm starting to understand a TEENSY bit now, and i actually get some of her jokes! hahaha it's a BIG improvement, i didnt get a thing last time. sometimes i even find her comical. but i laugh like 5mins after she said something. man, i'm slow:(

i dont feel the pressure for the imminent chinese Os! damn, that's bad. i wanna do well! a b4 PLEASEEEE!!!

All the could-be's buzzin' 'round
My mind a thousand-timely cloud
And now I can not see the sun

All the worries on my list
Rush like lamings off a cliff
I'm powerless to save even one

All my friends tell me I'm thinking too much
It's not over 'til it's over
Because today is trouble enough
Live tomorrow, 'til tomorrow

I'm not jinxing what could be
Second guessing what I see
There is you and there is me
No what if's
My crossing fingers knocking wood
'cause worrying about we could
Spoil the moment when it's good
No more what ifs
One day's
If only's

16 May, 2007
9:46 AM

So if you wanna run, run and disappear,
You and I can bust our way right out of here.

Together we can
Shoot the moon, stop the rain even ride a hurricane, If we wanna
Together we can
Walk into space, save the human race, do you think we oughta, oughta?